Read ‘Screen Test‘, the latest #throwup2018 blog post by Skye Camanachd shinty artist, John McNaught…
John will be tearing himself away from the ironing to attend this Friday night’s screening in Portree of Skye-born Douglas Mackinnon’s documentary ‘Home’, which features Skye winning the Camanachd Cup in 1990. Organised by Atlas Arts, the event is free but ticketed, via or Eventbrite.
This screening is part of Skye Camanachd’s 125-year anniversary celebrations, which continue with the opening on Monday of a special exhibition of photographs and memorabilia relevant to shinty in Skye. On in the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre until 30 March. For more info contact the archive centre on 01478 or email
Throw Up 20.18 is funded by Highland Culture Strategic Board’s ‘Highland Culture: Take Pride, Take Part’ programme.